Adsense Checker, Adsense Banned Checker Tool here you can check whether ur site is block by google adsense or not. using adsense checker or google adsense banned checker u will sure sites need to improvement to get adsense approval.

Tuesday 27 February 2024

How to Check if a Website Banned from Adsense?

Hey there, if you depend on Google AdSense to make money from your website or content, you may be familiar with how stressful the thought of being blacklisted may be. But don't worry about it. We've got a few easy tips up for grabs to make it relaxing for you to keep an eye on your AdSense account. In this blog article, we'll explain how to verify if you've been banned from AdSense in simple steps that everyone can follow. We'll also show you how to use our very own AdSense Checker tool, which will help you even more.

check adsense banned status

check adsense banned status

What caused Google to block our AdSense account?

    Of course, the following six condensed bullet points explain why AdSense might prohibit a website:

• Click Fraud: Engaging in any fraudulent click activity, including clicking on your advertising, is against AdSense policy.

• Inappropriate information: Displaying pornographic material or copyrighted information without authorization is against Google's policy and might lead to a ban.

• Inappropriate Ad Placement: AdSense prohibits placing advertising in a way that promotes accidental clicks or interferes with user experience.

• Persistent infractions: A permanent ban may be imposed for persistently disregarding AdSense regulations and failing to correct infractions despite warnings.

• Deceptive techniques: It is completely forbidden to engage in any deceptive techniques to increase ad clicks, such as tricking people into clicking advertisements.

• Violation of User Experience Guidelines: Creating a website that affects the user experience, whether through false content or aggressive ad placement, might lead to AdSense taking action.

Staying within the confines of these criteria and having a transparent, user-friendly website is vital to maintaining a strong relationship with AdSense and avoiding any potential bans.

How to check that, AdSense banned our websites or blogs?

    1. Understanding AdSense prohibitions: Let's first establish what AdSense prohibitions are all about before moving on. Google AdSense acts as a helpful sidekick that helps website owners make money through the tailored advertising they place on their pages. But hey, Google is serious about its policies. Anything questionable—intentional or not—can lead to expulsion. Common causes of bans include things like click fraud, strange click behaviors, unusual ad placements, or having content that violates their guidelines. So it's important to keep an eye on things.

        2. Consistent Account Check-Ins: 

Make it a habit to periodically check your AdSense account before anything else. Log in to check on the situation, review your profits, and keep an eye out for any notices or cautions from the big G. It may be time to look a little closer if you observe any unexpected decreases in your income or any weird behaviors.

        3. Google Webmaster Tools should be used:

Remember your friend Google Webmaster Tools. It resembles the health monitor for your website. Regularly check it to see if there are any fines or other problems that can have an impact on your AdSense account. Watch out for any warning signs about the status of your site's indexing; 

They could warn you about something that could result in your exclusion. Additionally, keep an eye out for any potential problems in the "Manual Actions" area.

        4. Our helpful tool for checking AdSense: 

And now for a small secret. We have a useful tool called AdSense Checker. It's there to simplify your life. You simply enter the information for your AdSense account, and presto! You'll receive a brief update on the progress of your account. By doing this, you may stay abreast of any prospective prohibitions and take prompt action. We continuously update it, so you'll always be aware of the most recent AdSense rules.

Check Free Adsense banned checker:- Adsense Checker

        5. Keep an eye on the effectiveness of your ads: 

You know the ones that are on your website? Keep an eye on their progress. Keep an eye out for any odd click activity. A rapid spike in clicks or an unusually high number of clicks without a corresponding rise in visits raises a warning signal. Because Google dislikes illegitimate click activity, it is advisable to exercise caution.

        6. Examine Your Ads and Content: 

Examine the content of your website sometimes. Verify that everything complies with Google's content guidelines. You shouldn't tamper with any of that illegal content. Make sure your ad placements comply with AdSense's standards as well. Accidental clicks are hated by everyone, even Google. Therefore, make everything organized and user-friendly.

        7. Keep Up with Google's AdSense Policies: 

The search giant occasionally makes changes. So, keep updated. Visit the AdSense Help Center and sign up for Google AdSense newsletters or blogs. You'll be updated on any policy modifications, best practices, and brand-new features in this way. You can avoid difficulties by abiding by the rules.

        .8 Reconsideration in an emergency: 

Take a break if you do find yourself in the terrible position of being banned. Investigate the explanations Google provided and make the required adjustments. Next, submit a sincere request for reconsideration using your AdSense account. Show that you're all committed to following the rules by outlining what you did to resolve the situation. Some straightforwardness may go a long way.


Hey, keeping up with your AdSense game doesn't need to be a nerve-wracking endeavor. You can keep your account secure with the correct strategies, including our AdSense Checker tool and some straightforward care. Always act honorably, keep yourself informed, and maintain your composure when dealing with problems. If you're savvy about it, your experience with AdSense may be straightforward.

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